I have missed writing, blogging and sharing!!!
So much has happened. You’ll now find me on Facebook.. marykgardner and motivating, sharing and connecting! I write about social media for the Orlando Business Journal but have greatly missed my blog.. so now.. I’m back.. and in the works..are some other things I will explore!!!
The book is done and about to be released. I released Blessed Chaos to a few special needs families and was warmly received. By sharing our story, many people have been able to relate and have told me their own stories of BLESSED CHAOS!
I’m now working full time at Lamm and Company Partners, which I love! I’m the director of Business Development, marketing and PR. I enjoy the work and the people with whom I’m working… so the change has been great. Sway is taking care a lot more of the house duties.. and we’ve discovered he’s a WONDERFUL cook!!! Our son continues to thrive in sports, school and music. (although he now wants to change all of his activities b/c he says he hates swimming and piano)!!! mgardner@lammco.com
Our live is back on track and going great. I’m starting to put together my next book on living the GLUTEN free lifestyle.. and diary free… which has helped us out a TON.
So, I’ll be updating and recreating ..creating and innovating.. as much as possible.. and seeing where life takes us!
Glad to be back and hope you’re well!!!