Becoming a Dynamic Spokesperson- Embracing the Video Age
You’re every bit as much as a brand as Nike, Trump, Coke, Pepsi or McDonalds. To start thinking like your own favoring brand manager, ask yourself the same question that the most famous brand managers ask themselves:
What is it that my product or service does that makes it different?
We are now in the age of You Tube and appearing on camera is common for just about everything. Virtual meetings, webinars, video blogging as well as podcasts and public speaking. For companies who want to sell nationally or internationally, there are things to consider such as company or country protocol, media tips like what to wear and what not to wear, and tips of making meetings exciting and entertaining!
In addition, being a powerful presenter is one thing, but honing in on the dynamic message takes careful planning. Through Mary’s tips and strategies, Mary will lead you through your message building, and delivery. On spot coaching and video taping included.