by Mary Gardner | Feb 17, 2021 | Worskshop
Becoming a Dynamic Spokesperson- Embracing the Video Age You’re every bit as much as a brand as Nike, Trump, Coke, Pepsi or McDonalds. To start thinking like your own favoring brand manager, ask yourself the same question that the most famous brand managers ask...
by Mary Gardner | Feb 17, 2021 | Worskshop
The Influential Student Leader Becoming a student leader can be scary at times. Many intelligent students are perceived as leaders but are shy when addressing a group. This workshop will take students though many of the topic and exercises of their older counterparts....
by Mary Gardner | Feb 17, 2021 | Worskshop
How to Talk with Anyone about Anything: Conversation Skills that Matter Left brain, logical individuals such as financial advisors, lawyers, accountants, engineers are sometimes great at their careers, but stumble when meeting someone new. Having the gift of gab is...